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How did they grow what they needed?

Step 3 What did they grow ?




The Fertile Crescent was also known as Mesopotamia


1. Under your Home page, create a page called Glossary.

Under you Fertile Crescent page create a page called Farming


2. Agriculture is made up of crops and livestock.  Use the resources on the side to explain the crops and livestock that they raised in the Fertile Crescent.  Put at least 3 examples of each on your Farming Page


3. Include a picture of at least one livestock and one crop on your farming page.



4. On your Farming page explain which of these crops or livestock you have had and how you enjoyed them. .

******************************Step Done*****************************

Check that you have completed this step, see if you would like to add any pictures or change anything, and finally ask a teacher to check the step

Farming resources

Click here for United Streaming


username: studentthsb

password: student


1. Then click on My Content.

2. Then click on Mesopotamia Farming

3. Finally, watch the two movies in the folder


Step 4 How did they farm?




The Fertile Crescent was also known as Mesopotamia


1. On your farming page write the title Irrigation


2. Use to find out what  the word irrigation means.  In your own words, write a definitiion for irrigation on your Glossary page


3. Use the resources on the left to find out how  the people of Mesopotamia Irrigated their crops.  Explain how they irrigated by drawing a picture, making a movie, making a model, or writing a description.  Put this description on your Farming page



4. On your Farming page explain why irrigation is important.

Click here for United Streaming


username: studentthsb

password: student


1. Then click on My Content.

2. Then click on Mesopotamia Irrigation

3. Finally, watch the movie titled Agricultural Technology

Irrigation resources





******************************Step Done*****************************

Check that you have completed this step, see if you would like to add any pictures or change anything, and finally ask a teacher to check the step

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