The Fracchia Page
a guide to navigating the educational world of Fracqistan
Economy of the Country
How does a country make money?
Step 1: United States Economy
Economy is how money is used to buy and sell resources. There are many different ways that people can make money
A. Create a new page on your website titled Economy
B. Use wordsmyth.net and/or the resource is types of economy on the right to find the meaning of the following words agriculture, service, and industry. On your Economy page, define each of those in your own words and add a picture
C. Explore the website CIA factbook by clicking on the map on the right sight of the page. Then look at the economy of the United States. On your Economy page, explain how much of the United State economy is industrial, how much is agricultural, and how much is service based.
D. Use this website, create a pie graph that shows the amount of service, agricultural, and industrial in the United States economy. Put the graph on the Economy page.
E. On CIA factbook look at some of the examples of service, agricultural, and industrial economy that the United States has. Put 2 examples of each type of economy on your website with a picture of each example.
F. What kind of economy does the United States have? Do you think that this is a good type of economy. Why do you think this? Why do you think this is the type of economy we have?
Economic Resources
Step 2: The Economy of your Country
A. Take a look at the list of the goods and services produced for each type of economy.
B. Pick the type of economy your country will have (agriculture, industry, service) and write it on your economy page.
C. Now, go to your country geography page and look at the six geographic landforms you picked for your country map. Pick two of those landforms and write them on your economy page.
D. List 2 goods or services your country will provide based on the landforms you picked (i.e. if you have rivers, your country might make money from fishing).
World Economy Resources
Step 3: The World's Economy
Every country in the world has a different economy. We are ging to explore how countries can be different
A. Look at the World Economy Map on the right and see how different countries have different economies/
B. Choose one country on the map and on your Economy page explain how the country's economy compares to the economy of the United States. Include how they are similar and how they are different.
C. Use the two Brazil articles on your right to explore the Brazilian economy. On your Economy page identify 3 agricultural products, 3 industrial products, and 3 landforms.
D. Deforestation means to cut down trees. Use the Rainforest resources on the right to explore the deforestation of the rainforest.
E. On your Economy page explain what are the economic reasons for the deforestation of the rainforest. Include what is happening, where it is happening, why it is happening, and pictures.
F. The rainforests are being cut down in Brazil for economic reasons How can we use economic reasons to keep them from being cut down? Conduct research and explore how Brazil can make money by not conducting deforestation. Write down your ideas on your Economy page.
Rainforest Video 1
Rainforest Video 2
Rainforest Video 3
Rainforest Reading 1
Rainforest reading 2
math the landform
Rainforest Resources