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Who was in Charge?

Step 1 Where do I rule?


1. Mesopotamia was not just one kingdom but was made up of many city states each with its own government


2. On this map are the many city states that were in Mesopotamia.  Each purple dot shows a city state. Click here for the map


3. On your website create a new page labelled City States.  On that page put a map of the Mesopotamia City States and list 4 of the city states.


4. Now you are going to make your own city state.  Ask Mr. Stoops for a box.  Cover that box in paper and on an index card write the name of your city state.  You can give it any name that you want.

Step 2 Who was in charge?


1. Each city state had their own government.  But their governments were very similar.  Click here to read about the governments that they had. Read just the first paragraph labelled Government


2. On your website labelled City States, explain who was in charge and how laws were made.


3. Pretend that you are a king of your city state. Use this website here to look up Sumerian names.  Combine at least three of them to make your own name.  On your index card write down your kingly or queenly name and underneath explain what it means.


Step 3 Laws


Use the site on the left to find the answers that you need. You can record your answers by writing, drawing, Voki, Thinglink, or another method.



1. Answer the following questions on your City State page.


-Who created the first laws?

-Of what city-state was Hammurabi the king?

-What were some of the laws that Hammurabi created?

-Who had to follow the laws?

-On what did Hammurabi write down his laws?


2. Imagine that you are king.  What laws would you create?  Create three laws and write them down on your index card



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