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The Fracchia Page
a guide to navigating the educational world of Fracqistan
The Culture of the Hunter
Culture is the way a people live. Culture includes things such as the clothes that people wear, the foods that they eat, the houses that they live in, the tools that they made, what they do for fun, and more.
To settle the argument lets look at the culture of prehistoric hunter.
1. Create a new page under Nomadic v Sedentary and title the page Hunter.
2. Use the resources below to learn about the culture of prehistoric hunters. Put some of the information that you learned on your Hunter page. Include at least 5 facts and two pictures.
3. Now create a drawing, sculpture, or a short skit that shows the culture of a hunter and includes some of the details/facts that you learned about hunters. Put this onto your website.
Information Games Rap (only use the information before farming)
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