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Choose your own folk tale

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Step 1 Choose a folk tale



1. Choose a folk tale from the list to the left.


2. Look up any words that you do not know.


3. Reread the story to help you understand the story.


4. Ask for help if you do not understand the story.


Step 2  What is the story about?


1. It is time to summarize the story.


2. You can make a drawing, collage, play, toontastic, paragraph, or another method to explain these parts of the folk tale:


-the characters


-the setting


-the plot


-the culture in which the story was written



Step 3 Is this a folk tale?


1.  Your job is to write a paragraph that explains if the folk tale that you chose is actuall a paragraph.




2. Remember the elements that a folk tale has to have to be a folk tale are:


-include fantasty/unreal elements


-explain where someting in nature came from or have a morale


- show parts of the culture in which it was written



                                                                               For your Folk Tale honors project click here


                                       Otherwise you have completed your folk tale project.  Congratulations!!!

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