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Step 1. Learn about Greece



1. Use the following video and website on the left to learn about ancient Greece.  


2. Create a video, or cartoon, or a pargraph explaining how life in Ancient Greece was different than today.




Step 2. Choose a Greek City State



1. Greece was broken into small countries called city states.  Your job is to research one of the city states.  We will then use that information to create a quiz.


2. Choose a Greek city state: Athens, Sparta, Corinth, Megara, Argos.


3. Use the resources on the left to find out:


-What kind of government did they have?


-What was important to the citizens of that city state?


-What was education like for the children in that city state?


-What god was in charge of that city state?


-What was that city state known for?


Step 3 Create the Quiz


Greek Quiz project

We are going to make our own online quiz about which Greek City would you be?

Greece Resources

British Museum




Greece Life​


Mr. Donn


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