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The Fracchia Page
a guide to navigating the educational world of Fracqistan
Step 1: Diamonds
1. Read this article Jewelry Heist
2. Complete the worksheet here to take notes on the story Jewely Heist
Step 2: The Boar
1. Read this article and complete this sheet.
2. Read about how dangerous boars are here
On a Google Doc take notes on how dangerous a boar is include at least 5 details
3. Find or draw a picture. Using quotes from the text explain how the Boar is a fierce weapon
4. Create a caution sign for the travellers coming to the airport. On the sign include
- at least 2 quotes from each reading
- your picture
-what happened at the airport
-why travellers should be careful
-what they should do if they encounter a boar
5. FInd Mr Emerson, salute him, and say wild boar. Tell Mr. Fracchia what his response was.
Step 5: You are the Reporter
1. Choose an article you may want to Google weird news or news for kids
2. Take notes on the article using this form. Show this to staff when you are done
3. Create a video or audio broadcast summarizing the news. Make sure to include the main idea and the most important details. Explain any difficult vocabulary that you encountered
Step 3:Iron Man
1. Read the Iron Man article found here. As you read use this note taking tool found here
2. Not every article has all of the information that you need. Read the two article about Iron Man that are here and here. As you read add information from those articles to your note page.
3. On your note page write a paragraph explaining which of the articles was the best and why it was better than the other articles. Include at last 3 reasons why and two quotes from the articles.
4. Imagine that you could have any kind of superpower that you want. What kind of superpower would it be and what you you be. On another paper, write a paragraph explaining what your superpower would be and what you would be able to do.
5. Use one of these apps to make a superhero:
Hero Machine
6. Print your superhero picture and description
Step 4: Fererts
Read this article about ferret right here
2. Take notes on the article using this form. Show this to staff when you are done
3. Read this article on having ferrets as pets
4.Write a letter to the mayor of New York explaining why you think or don't think that ferrets should be allowed to be pets. Include at least 3 reasons and a quote from each article.
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