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Essential Question: Is it a better quality of life to be nomadic or to live a sedentary lifestyle?

Step III: Prehistoric Hunters were nomadic


1. What does Nomadic mean? (Use to find out the definition).



2. Write down the meaning for nomadic in your words on the Hunter page on your website



3. Think about the hunting game you played.


-What did you think of living like a prehistoric person, was it easy or hard?  Why


- Were prehistoric people nomadic?


-Why do you think prehistoric people were nomadic?


-Would you like to be nomadic?  Why or why not?


4. Now that you know what it was like to be a prehistoric hunter, use props to act out the life of a prehistoric hunter.  You can use the props in the box or get your own props.  Try to include as many details as you can you can ask others to act with you.


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