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Southern Colonies:

How does our environment affect our economy? 














 Step 1: Jamestown

**Use the game and the reading on the right to help you***


A. On your site create a page titled Jamestown


2. On your Jamestown: page answer the questions (You can answer the questions through writing, drawing, a video or another way.)


-Who was John Smith?

-Who wanted to go to Jamestown?

-Why did they want to go to Jamestown?

-What were the problems that they faced in Jamestown?

-Whom did they meet in Jamestown

-How did they overcome the problems?

-How did they want to make money?

-How did they make their money?



3. Put a picture on your Jamestown page


4. How did the environment affect the economy of Jamestown?

Anchor 11

Jamestown Interactive

Jamestown Game


Jamestown Reading







Anchor 10
  Step 2: The Southern Economies

Over time, more and more people came from England to make money.  They created more colonies in the South.  They made plantations in the South to grow crops

***Use the resources on the right to help you***


A. Create a new page titles Southern Colonies


B. On the Southern Colonies page explain what were the names of the southern colonies.  Include a map of the southern colonies.


C. On your Southern Colonies page explain how the colonies made money. (You can answer the questions through writing, drawing, a video or another way.)  Include

-what a plantation was

-what life was like on the plantation

-how they made money

-who worked on the plantation

-who made the money


D. Try building your own colony using this game


3. How did the environment of the south affect the economy that they made?



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