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Anchor 1

Step 1

1. Log onto Actively learn.

2. Choose either the Wolf and the Crane or  the Lion and the Mouse

3. Answer all of the questions

Anchor 2

Step 2 

1. Log onto Actively Learn

2. Read either

The Tortoise and the Eagle 


The Flies and the Honeypot

3. Answers the questions



Anchor 3

Step 3 

1. Log onto Actively Learn

2. Choose any fable you have not yet read

3.Create a comic, drawing, cartoon, or written explanation that tells

-the main idea or morale of the story

-the important events of the story that create the main idea 

4.  Below are some resouces that you can use


a. read write think


b. bit strips


c. make beliefs


d. Arthur



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