The Fracchia Page
a guide to navigating the educational world of Fracqistan
Why do we make countries?:
What do we get out of making big groups ?
We are going to look at why people get together and make countries. Afterwards, we are going to look at what we need from our classroom. You can complete a Google Site or a Voicethread
Step 1: The Needs of the Citizens
The citizens are the people the live in a country. The citizens of a country bind together to make a country.
1. Create a Google Site titled (initials)Countries(initials)
2. On the site create a new page titled Government.
3. On the Government page explain, why do people make a country...what do they get by making a country that they would not get if they did not have a country
4. On your Government page include a picture of one of the needs.
5. What do you think are some of the needs that we could be meeting as a country that we are not meeting?
Step 2 Public vs Private
Public are the things that are owned or run by the government. Private are the things that are owned or run by private people
1. Use the resources on the right to help you
2. On your Government page explain what is the difference between public and private
3. Then provide three example of public and 3 examples of private things. Include a picture of each.
4. Why do you think it is important to keep public and private things separate?
Public vs Private resourcs
Step 3: Our Country: Our Classroom
1. On your class Google Doc titled Class Needs write down the needs of the class citizens that you think that our class should meet.
2. On your class Google Doc titled Class Needs write down the difference between which needs should be public and which should be private .
Step 1: The Needs of the Citizens
The citizens are the people the live in a country. The citizens of a country bind together to make a country.
1. Log into a voice thread
2. Add a picture of a country and citizens and title it Government
2. On the Government picture add a comment that explains, why do people make a country...what do they get by making a country that they would not get if they did not have a country
3. Add a comment explaining: what do you think are some of the needs that we could be meeting as a country that we are not meeting?
Step 2 Public vs Private
Public are the things that are owned or run by the government. Private are the things that are owned or run by private people
1. Use the resources on the right to help you
2. On your Government voice thread explain what is the difference between public and private
3. Then provide a picture of public things and explain what are 3 public things and include a picture of a private thing and give an example of 3 private things.
4. Why do you think it is important to keep public and private things separate?
Public vs Private resourcs
Step 3: Our Country: Our Classroom
1. On your class Google Doc titled Class Needs write down the needs of the class citizens that you think that our class should meet.
2. On your class Google Doc titled Class Needs write down the difference between which needs should be public and which should be private .
Honors Project
1. Create a table that has 2 columns and 11 rows. Label the first column People and label the second column Needs. Print out the chart
2. Walk around the school asking people what needs they think are not being met at the school that could be met at the school. Write down their name under People and their answers under Needs.
3. Take a look at what need is the most popular in your survey. Create an action plan for addressing that need.
4. Enact said action plan as possible.