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American Revolution:

How did we become a separate country? 














 Step 1: Prelude to Revolution

A. On your site create a page titled Road to Revolution


B. On your Road to Revolution page explain 


-Why did the English need money?

-How did they try to get the money?

-What was the colonists' reaction to the acts of the English?


D. Put up a picture.


E. Who do you think was right, the English or the colonists?  Why?

Anchor 15

Road to Revolution Resrouces



Timeline 2 


Reading easier







Anchor 14
  Step 2:  The American Revolution

You are a reporter during the time of the American Revolution.  As you watch the video take notes on what occurred during the revolution.  When you are done you are going to write an article about the revolution.


A. Take notes on the American Revolution.


B. Write an article about the American Revolution.  Include at least:

6 facts

when it occurred

where it occurred

why it occurred 

what happened at the end

and at least one picture


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